As a math teacher, fourth grade teacher, adult tutor, and more, I have 7 years of experience as an educator. I am passionate about personalizing content so that it makes sense for every learner, and it's proven to be effective. Here are a few examples of the work I've done throughout the years.
English Language Learning: Adult Classes
Develop, Design
Various lessons created for adults learning English. Created to satisfy TEFL certification requirements. Strategies used include scenario-based learning, group-learning, one-on-one learning, retrieval.
Goal Setting
Data Collection, Analysis
Professional and student goals, data, and evaluation documents from the 2020-2021 virtual school year.
3-Week Plan
Design, Develop
A unit-long plan created to introduce the concept of decimals to fourth graders. Students grew from 15% passing rate to 90% passing rate. Strategies used include self-paced learning, retrieval, learning, group-learning, storytelling.
Develop, Evaluate
Instructional videos created for current contracting job at Images, recording, video edits all original.
Math 6 Syllabus
A digitized syllabus for the start of the 2021 virtual school year. Includes procedural details, course outline, and feedback form.
Distance Learning Modules
Design, Develop
Modules created at the start of the Spring 2019 semester, after switching to an online learning modality due to the pandemic. Weekly modules include instructional activities, practice material, and application assignments.